For all those avid readers of 5_pointers, you’re probably asking yourself, who is this guy that has joined this team of bloggers? We’ll, my initial answer is another guy who will probably post more sporadic than the others, though the content of late has been much more frequent. Keep up the good work!

For the past several months I’ve been itching to get into this blog thing, but due to my schedule there hasn’t been time. Now God has blessed me with more free time, my desire to take the gigantic step into the blogsphere has come. A great deal of thanks go out to Mark_5 and the rest of the cast for inviting me to be apart of 5_Pointers. It is an honor and privilege to be apart of a team whose godliness far exceeds that of mine.

The emphasis on gigantic is by no means an exaggeration for me. I must confess that in the past (and present) writing has not been my strong suite. Through out all my years of education, except for the last semester of college, I had no desire to write and if it was required the effort was minimal. Thankfully my degree didn’t require much writing 🙂

During the past couple years God has done some amazing work in my life and along with that has changed my attitudes toward writing in general. As God is leading me to my next phase of life where writing is both essential and required, I’m excited to hone my skills on this blog. I hope to use this blog not only as a place to polish my writing skills, but more significantly a place to share my passion for the King with y’all. I trust God will continue to bless you and me through this blog.