Here are a couple excerpts from “Above All Earthly Pow’rs – Christ in a Postmodern World” that I read tonight.

“Some of the more conservative Christian groups continue to speak of America as a Christian country, or at least that it should be a Christian country, or at the very least that in its origins it once was a Christian Country. The reality, however, is that America is the world’s most religiously diverse nation now and from a Christian point of view it is as fully a mission field as any to which churches now are sending their missionaries. This is true, not only because of the arrival of these new immigrants with their diverse religions, but also because of the postmodern decay in American culture.” (page 108)

“Beginning in the 1960s, and blossoming in the 1970s and 1980s, “spirituality,” for a significant number of people, came into its own and became preferable to “religion.” The distinction that quickly took root was that religion stood from organized belief in its public form. It stood for participation in worship, support of the church or synagogue, and acceptance of its doctrines. Spirituality, by contrast, has come to stand for what is private and internal. What this typically means is that those who are spiritual accept no truth which is not experientially grounded. In the one, there is doctrine which is part and parcel of the church; in the other, mystical encounter which may often be accompanied by an unorthodox disposition. In the one, faith is lived out with a religious structure; in the other, there is suspicion of, if not hostility toward, religion which is organized.” (page 109-110)

Wells, David. Above All Earthly Pow’rs: Christ in a Postmodern World. Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2005