I know you all have been waiting with baited breath for the release of the 4th of July Bike Tour Video. Now it’s here! Enjoy.

Hold a Settler’s Tournament! Get a bunch of guys together and have a tournament w/ an entrance fee – then give all the money to some missionaries that could use it. It’s just that simple.

In the picture below, you can catch a glimpse of Joel, the “Lord of Catan.” I think he easily won by two points. Congrats Joel!

This past Lord’s Day we sang a hymn a cappella called Of the Father’s Love Begotten. Besides being a particularly beautiful tune (in spite of my singing a cappella) and having glorious theology wonderfully phrased in english, it has an impressive history.

I’ve been reading ahead for next semester in some of the courses for which I am registered. One required text is Mark Noll’s Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity. Through the first quarter of the text, it is delightful – and I expect the rest to follow suit. Regardless, the third chapter is introduced with a poem written by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius of the same title as our hymn. Clearly the hymn’s forebear is this ancient poem. Compare the two, and consider that we’re singing the same praise that was lifted up 1600 yrs ago.

Yeah, so that pretty much says it. Check this out.