
On December 1st Eric Nielsen and I are headed to St. Charles, MO for some Sola Scriptura Action with Dr. James White! Topics to be discussed are the doctrine of “Sola Scriptura” as well as the sufficiency of Scripture in the light of some modern Roman Catholic approaches.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact me (mark dot 5pointers ‘at sign’ gmail dot com) ASAP as we are arranging hotel accomodations and travel times. The details of the seminar can be retrieved here.

Our current plan is to head down Friday, December 1st, during the afternoon. We’ll be coming back in time for Sunday morning worship in Urbana.

Costs are solely: food, shared gas, and shared lodging.

Let me know if you are interested via the comments or my email address!

Check out this entry at MarkDriscoll’s blog. More reasons to cheer these guys on. 🙂

A big hat tip to Larry who found that the DG 2006 conference audio is already up.  So get to downloading if you didn’t go – it’s a festavus for the rest of us!

In a few hours Larry, myself and another friend will be departing the friendly confines of West Lafayette, IN and heading off to the DG National Conference in Minneapolis, MN.   I’m sure this trip will be full of fellowship, solid teaching, and plenty of fun, so  I’m  primed and ready to go.

Another thing I’m excited about (maybe more the conference) is the discounted books!  Feel free to let me know if there is a specific book you want me to pick up.  I should have access to the Internet, so shoot me an email or leave a comment on this post and I’ll try to accommodate you.

Sometime next week I’m planning to do a post on the conference.  It may take me a few days or so to process some of the information so don’t wait expectantly for it.

May the Lord be glorified this weekend!